Sunday, December 11, 2005

The Death Penalty

Living here in California, the death penalty has once again taken over the news. This time it's in the guise of Stanley "Tookie" Williams. And, as usual, it's not actually about the individual, it's about the death penalty itself.

Let's assume "Tookie" Williams has done lots to redeem himself, writing books, working against gangs. The thing is, that has nothing to do with the fact that he was convicted of murder and sentenced to death back in 1981. Being a "different person" today is irrelevant to the issue. And to my mind, if he has really become a more redeemed person, he himself should step forward and accept responsibility to his actions 26 years ago. Isn't that what "responsible" people do?

But, back to the death penalty. It's an ongoing issue in the state, and I have more than a passing interest. There is a man who has been sitting in San Quentin on death row since 1982 for the murder of my Aunt Vi. Personally I want him dead.

The death penalty is a farce in this state. I don't care who these murderers become in the intervening decades after their convictions. If the death penalty is to mean anything it has to come a lot quicker than after literally decades of appeals.

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