Friday, January 13, 2006

What to do about Alito...

I want, really want to feel comfortable with Judge Alito. But, I'm having problems. Surprisingly, it actually doesn't have to do with his pro-life positions. That seems pretty well established, which is not surprising, considering he has been nominated by President Bush.

My bigger issues are arising with his truthfulness. The discussions today about his membership in the now defunct Concerned Alumni of Princeton. He was a member; in fact he listed it on his resume for a job in the Reagan administration in 1985. The merits/demerits of the association aside, his answer that he didn't "remember" being a member is disingenuous at best and an outright lie at worst. This man can quote extensively from numerous court cases going back over a 15 years period, but can't "remember" if he belonged to a group "demonstrating its anti-gay, anti-minority and anti-female sentiments"?

That defies belief, plan and simple. This judge is lying and I think pretty much everyone in the hearing room knows it. To my mind that disqualifies him from the job of Supreme Court Justice on the face of it. He's lying about this, what else is he lying about, or will lie about in the future? Why does he have so much trouble acknowledging being a member of this group? He can easily state that he does not hold these views today; that time and maturity have changed his beliefs. I could believe that; it happens to all of us.

As it stands though; I find him to be disingenuous and dishonest. I don't want him on the Supreme Court.

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