Friday, March 23, 2007

Back on the air

My self imposed hiatus is over. I'm still a pragmatic liberal...I lean left, but believe in evidence based policies and plans for this country. My philosophy is inclusive of all people, and that includes conservatives!

I try to always keep up a civil communication with my conservative friends; many times it's more a matter of degree than outright policy that separates us. If we not at polar opposites on an issue there is more hope of finding areas of agreement.

That being said, there are beliefs I hold that truly are the polar opposite of some conservatives. As you might guess, they are the so-called moral issues of abortion and same-sex marriage. Conservatives who hold religious beliefs so strongly that they would legislate those beliefs into law simply cannot and will not ever try to look at the other side. For that reason, I waste no time having the conversation. I simply work my behind off the elect public officials that won't legislate religious beliefs.

So, that's my definition of a pragmatic liberal What's your?


Anonymous said...

But, how can you even stand to talk to conservatives? They have no brains.

Anonymous said...

"Pragmatic liberal: 1)Someone with the best of intentions but the brains to realize that their goals will be-- at best, if ever- incrementally reached. 2)A wonderful, true-blue socialist-freak-show who happened to either be born into or to marry into some very smart, sweet, gun-toting bunch of folk, the love of whom turns one towards (patient) reconciliation.

Terri said...

those are two interesting takes on pragmatic liberal. Funny too. I guess I am close to 1 than 2.