Thursday, December 30, 2004

2005, the Repubicans, and the Iraq War

I have been reading 2005 predictions, mostly by conservatives for entertainment.There is one thread that runs through them - the need to "reframe" their position on Iraq. Of course they work hard to make it sound positive and even intelligent but, to no avail.I have distilled the many predictions down to a few senetences; reframed by a liberal.

The neocons/conservatives/Republicans will back track dramatically from their current posture on world Democratization/Iraq War and 1) assume no blame, and in fact blame the CIA for the whole mess, 2) downplay the whole mess as an error in judgment - never mind the tens of thousands of dead Iraqi citizens and thousands of dead US soldiers, 3) try to save face at home, but still ignore the rest of the world, 4) continue to bash Democrats for being against the Iraq War for "the wrong reason", and lastly 5) invent a new name and mission for our foreign/military policy (pragmacons) in hopes that we forget about the incredible fiasco they created by the time 2008 rolls around.

That pretty much covers it. It's our job to point out the shear stupidity of the conservatives and give the American people a simple, clear vision for our foreign/military policy. We must at all costs not accept any excuses or be seen as being in agreement with any of this. This is our opportunity to take the foreign policy/war on terror away from the Republicans.

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